Character Personas (condensed)

Main Protagonists
Quick note: The coloring has nothing to do with the individual. Only the personality described is important.

With rage and passion, he burns with the essence of a powerful flame. He is powerful and doesn't let anyone stand in his way without a fight. A warrior. Has the legendary gene of fire-breathing (not an essence). He's a blue color with tattooed red markings and red-tipped quills. His eyes are a terracotta brown.

Gold dragons are royal, bold, outgoing, and kind, and they make great rulers and warriors 
He cares deeply for other things and he doesn't mind giving himself to something he cares about or/and believes in (he is also very patient). He enjoys making music and is a bit insane (in a good way). Has the essence of a Seer, the ability to see truth, even if he is blind. He also has sharpened hearing a large ears.

She has a prideful, and true nature. She also has a kind and caring side to her when she doesn't hold a grudge against you. Reserved. If you get to know her, she'll let her easily excitable side of her shine though. The heroine of the book. Has the essence of a Peacekeeper, the ability to communicate with all creatures. She is a blue dragon with orange and yellow quills. She has aquamarine eyes. The tail in this picture is longer than it should be.

White dragons are wise and noble, and they enjoy ice and snow
He is a great teacher studied in the ways of Elohim. No, he is not a dragon, he is a creature known as a Skreek. These griffin-like creatures stand up-right like men, have the head, tail, and wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion. Has the essence of a Teacher, the ability to see essences and train their owners to use them.

Silver dragons are known for getting things done, both for work and for play
Demiri's mother. Pretty much sums it up.

Gold dragons are royal, bold, outgoing, and kind, and they make great rulers and warriors
He is a bit like his brother, but has a naughty side to him. VERY curious.

Green dragons love nature and often have a green thumb when it comes to plants
Demiri's father. A kind but half-mad mapmaker. Not so much for gardening, but loves nature. 

 Brown dragons love earth, but can vary quite a lot from individual to individual
Nikki's kind butler.

The Rouge and Unexpected Hero
Green dragons love nature and often have a green thumb when it comes to plants
This renegade bird is the leader of the rebel band of revolutionaries that wish to overthrow Marlu, who happens to be Shade's sister. 

Main Antagonist, 'Boss'

Purple dragons are bossy and regal, and they are known for their beauty
Just change 'should' to 'shall' and there you go. She is a very cruel Aquila (a hawk creature the size of a human).


Green dragons love nature and often have a green thumb when it comes to plants
He was an apprentice to Benjamin until a thirst to delve into more powerful, demonic, magic caused him to turn traitor. This Skreek is cool, calm, and collected. He has the essence of a Healer, the ability to transfer energy from one being to another.

Enemies also include many uncharacteristic soldiers of Marlu's army and the Vat.

The photos used here are from (Please don't ask why it's all white cause I have no idea.)

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