Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Updated Bios + Logline

Hello world. Guess what? I'm not dead. I have been abandoning the blog for a bit, since finals are bearing way too much pressure on me at the moment.

But I have been hard at work!

Recently, I looked at the bios for my characters and realized they were way out of date. Some characters had their name changed, some even taken from the story entirely! So with that note I set off to revise the page. As soon as this post is up, I will be adding these pictures to the character bio pages.

Now these two are part of the main trio- or quartet if you want to call it that. The way how the story goes complicates things. See, Demiri is the main character but she obtains amnesia and can't remember her two best friends, Klydin and Nikki (hence the trio). She befriends Shade (I will post a link once her bio is finished) and they become a duo. At some point, they part ways and Demiri joins the original trio. 

Shade does show up again but does not join the trio to make it a quartet. She has to remain as queen of Vurgultis after she killed her sister, the tyrant Marlu. That's all I'm going to spoil it for you, but keep in mind that I'm focusing on drawing the important characters. I'm in the process of drawing Nikki (the sketch is in my math binder) and hopefully I'll be done with him by the end of this week. I've got a ton of projects ahead of me this summer. Planning according to a different agenda other than school is going to be tough.

But guess what?? I got a request today! An old friend of mine asked me to draw her a hairless cat. Now don't go all catty just yet. I thought the idea was a bit funny at first, but I agreed anyway. Why? Because any project that you do increases your publicity, not to mention it pushes you beyond what you would normally do (both are good if you're planning to minor or major in art like I might). 

Now, here is the picture that I got off the Internet that I'm going to base it on. I just have one question: Should I do this in Prismacolor, graphite (this would be in black and white like the bio pictures of my characters above), or a different media entirely (I think I have colored graphite sitting somewhere but I've never tried it)? Please leave your suggestions below! 

I also finally got a logline going. In other words, the book, Peacekeeper's Essence, boiled down into one sentence. And here it is: 

A lonely dragon awakens within a dark jungle with no memory and must overcome the haze in her mind to protect her newfound friends from an evil sorceress. 

You like? It took me ages to finally perfect it. Luckily I had some great friends to help me out. 

Oh, and one more question: What are your plans for summer? Mine includes a lot of drawing and writing, with plenty of video games and a few books in between. And stay tuned for next week's post because I have a surprise for all of you!

Until then,


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