Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another day, another chapter. Yes, I'm still copying down the stuff from the retreat. I know, I've been spending too much time on Youtube. If I am, I might as well put up some videos. :)

If I got turned into a cat, this would be it. Not my video! I don't have a good enough camera for that.

Besides screaming adorable kittens, lets talk about something else. I'm in the process of developing an original templete! A friend of mine has agreed to help me. I don't know when the two of us will be able to get things tied together, so it might be summer when it finally gets up. At least I have the idea!

Today I feel like talking about good writing atmospheres.

I usually use a site like Write or Die or Written Kitten to keep me on task. I also like to compete with my online friend on this forum for Christian writers. Being around motivated people helps get you itching to be as good as them. It's not the most innocent drive but when a writer is starting out, seeing someone who is much better than you gives you the urge to be like them. Monkey see, monkey do no?

I have to say that chatting with people who are constantly writing is good because I can ask them if they would like to ww, not World War people, word war. We set a time limit and then write as much as we can within that time limit. After, we compare our word count. I know someone who wrote over 1,000 words in 15 minutes… o.e

There are several things that help me get into the ZONE (my term for when I'm invigorated with my story and I'm writing like there's no tomorrow)

- upbeat music with no words (electronic works best for me. Songs with words encourage me to sing along and focus more on that instead of my novel)
- quiet setting (no siblings jumping on your bed, crazy family having pillow fight, ect.)
- a laptop wallpaper that expresses the mood of the story at the moment (usually red during emotionally stressful scenes and a calm, blue-gray for descriptive scenes). Try to find one that isn't too complicated or you, if you get distracted easily like me, might find yourself gazing at the pretty wallpaper or laughing at the funny photo of a kitten.
- warm, caffeine-free tea. Only do this if you have a DESK to put it on. I almost spilled it on my laptop when I didn't do that… D:
- Join a forum with writers on it with the same writing interests as you so you can ask them for help! I do this when I need a name for a character for my steampunk-medieval fantasy. It helps speed up the process of development quite a bit, not to mention you can help other people in return. If you have a writing buddy already on g-mail or whatever connection possible, just be sure there's someone there to challenge you to write today at the flick of dragon's tail (sorry, got carried away with my fantasy there. xD)!

What would you do to remain concentrated? 

Also, what's your favorite animal? I could go on and on and on about cats because they're just THAT awesome... Fantasy creatures count too! Comment, rate, subscribe! Or is it comment, rant, follow?

God Bless, 